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Friday, December 26, 2008


From November 10, 2007 ON AIR JUDGE WYLD SHOW - Radio Talk

Excerpt from show prep notes. On air content may have been more or less. Not journalistic or debate notes.

3 Wyld thoughts……

1. CEO’s and companies thinking it helps their image to give out a holiday message… a veteran’s message. Should I care? I think it’s phony. I think it’s not their place.

They run a company, not a social recognition agenda organization. Is it an image thing for customers for companies who do work for the US military? Sort of checking the box. Don’t want the public relations egg on the face for being silent on Veteran’s day?

The employee’s themselves don’t care. The messages are flat and are meaningless to the employees. We look to the company for money. If what we do away from the company gets us more money in the company then great. Value us in our paycheck. We will get our pats on the back elsewhere. Recognition at work comes in ONE form, money in the bank. Our bank.

Maybe it was the old days when the employee and the company were one personality and one commitment tight and cradle to grave.

Driving out in pheasant country last weekend the song came on the jeep radio. 16 tons and what do you get, another day older and deeper in debt… I owe my soul to the company store… meaning the company was his life, just to get by he ran credit at the company store and will be working forever to pay it off.

A pat on the back doesn’t pay the bills…. Thanks for the sentiment. I’m sure it used to matter. But if someone is a veteran but is in line to get laid off with a non-veteran, that pat on the back doesn’t keep the veteran in the door and working.

2. And another thing, why are they making the photos of the CEO professional photos with red lips and cheeks, the photos of the regular working guy in a hardhat is a real photo with no money spent to pretty him up. CEO’s look sissy like…. Guys looking like girls and girls trying to look tough as guys. What’s up with that..

3. And another Wyld thought… Why don’t the women soldiers shave their head? It’s done for a reason on the guys and the same reason applies to ANY soldier.

Is it so that soldiers will know who can and who can’t carry other wounded soldiers? Don’t bother asking me!!! Can’t you see I’m a girl? SEE MY HAIR???

We shave our faces so our protective gas masks will seal. Why can’t the women shave their heads for the battlefield hygiene and easy care and safety reasons that soldiers shave their heads for???

Sincerely, JUDGE WYLD

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