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Friday, December 5, 2008


From December 06, 2008 ON AIR JUDGE WYLD SHOW - Radio Talk

Excerpt from show prep notes. On air content may have been more or less. Not journalistic or debate notes.

Today talk about: Around Judge Wyld’s Estate, Fire CEOs for listening to MEDIA/Congress, SINGLES PERMISSION TO FEEL GREAT on THURSDAY, Freak kids and presents.

House still smells like old burnt grease… old grease…metal container…old… melt it to clean it out. Put on burner… went to computer room… smoke…bad air…step outside 30 Degree weather… just to breath…

Gift of life, gift of ride to emergency room…. GPS…

Automaker CEOs drove to DC…over 500 miles… Stockholders should be mad… high paid CEOs, 6 to 9 thousand dollars an hour… WHO in their right mind would have a KEY employee driving across country to get to a meeting!!!

Think about it…what if you were CEO and you had a high paid employee attending a meeting 500 miles away… would you pay them a full day just to drive there and back? How about a day and a half….. of course not…

How about the CEOs who gave in and drove…. The Board of Directors should Fire them on behalf of the shareholders… not for mishandling their company…. But for listening to the media… the idiot media… I want every member of the media who has ever flown in a leased or company owned jet to crawl to work tomorrow. Any media outlet who EVER flew on a candidate’s airplane… I want you to CALL JUDGE WYLD and I’LL SCREAM at you for a couple hours for making an issue of CEOs having to waste over 100,000 dollars in the CEO’s time when all it would have cost was 40,000. 20,000 for the jet and 20,000 for the CEO travel time… a savings for the stock holder of 60,000 dollars….

Sales people are sent on golf trips…top insurance sales people, car sales people… reward them… CEO’s have secretaries… aides… to make them efficient… did congress ask the CEO’s if they have a secretary??? FIRE YOUR SECRETARY or we won’t give you any bailout money…see how dumb that sounds? Why didn’t any congresspeople callout the media for the ridiculous childish jealousy game…. Bobby has a better bicycle than I do…. waaaaaaaaa


The RUDE questions prior to the HOLIDAY. ‘going home’ for Christmas….

What if answer is NO. going home for Christmas….INVITATION….

You singles out there…. Adult singles. Don’t fall into the holiday mental trap. The fake expectations trap. HAPPY DAYS ARE ANY DAY…. They do not hinge on the one or two days of the year. The HOLIDAY Freaks are out to trash your good life by trying to make you feel left out. THEY are the ones who are in the trap and haven’t matured into full functioning adults…. Codependent on each other for a HAPPY HOLIDAY…. Addicted to false social constructs….

The first 18 years of your life, you were told and maybe shown that Thanksgiving and Christmas mean a certain thing. You must be with your brothers and sisters, cousins, aunts, uncles, grandparents, and of course mom and dad on those days. A big dinner MUST Happen. You must sit around and play board games, or cards. Remember, you already spent two to four hours chatting before dinner…. After dinner is for dreaming up dumb things to do with each other. YOU’D RATHER BE SOMEWHERE ELSE DOING WHAT YOU want to do!!!!!!! That was your first 18 years…

But we all know that life is set up in phases….. 18 years then 25 yrs (43) then 20 years(63), then a number of years just to die… that is about 10 to 15 to 20 years….

Just because the first 18 years was the first, it was all you knew up to that point. That doesn’t make it right. That doesn’t make it the ONLY way that those days have to go.

What if you came into this world as a full functioning adult?? And the holiday was spent sleeping later, reading the paper, going for a special bike ride, having a cup of hot cocoa and playing with the dog. Having the freedom that afternoon to work on a hobby with some quiet time with just YOU….. a very good relaxing day….

THEN you had to endure 18 yrs of dumb chit chat with people who don’t understand your hobbies or that you are active riding bicycle and working out. That day is noisy and chaotic and really dumb questions. People eat way too much and then play very lame and lowest common denominator board games or cards….. YOU WOULD LONG FOR THE HOLIDAYS AS THEY USED TO BE>>> quiet… alone…. Useful… invigorating….relaxing.

You know what… It was a Thursday….. Just another Thursday but with a day off of work. Guess what… So was Friday…. What’s the difference?

Singles… permission to have fun on HOLIDAY Thursday… it’s a day off of work…. Enjoy doing something YOU want to do… It’s another vacation day from work… ride bicycle… go to the park rollerblading… hibernate under a blanket watching a great movie, start that book you want to write. Jeepers… what do you like to do on a day off…. Go do it…..


Christmas shopping. NO such thing… Last year we talked on air about two activities happening on the same day… holiday gift giving is separate from Christmas celebrations of the birth of the savior, and your Lord, Jesus Christ.

How important is it to you to toss around holiday presents to family, friends, acquaintences? How important to you is it to receive holiday presents. Think about how hollow it is and think about WHY. WHY are YOU GETTING a GIFT on Christmas… who received gifts on the birth of Jesus…. JESUS did…. Not everyone else… Mary and Joseph… did they bring a new dress for her??? A new smock for Joseph??? NO…they brought the gifts for JESUS…. Obedient to JESUS…

Married people… Lovers… etc… Valentines day… you get gifts for being a good LOVER. Your Wedding anniversary… your first Date… etc… you receive gifts for being a good wife, girlfriend, husband, boyfriend…. Yiiipppppieeeeeeeee…

Your birthday… everyone. married, relationship, or even single…. Birthday presents….

So what do you need another NONSENSE holiday season to give you more things!!??? It’s not about you being a good wife or man or lover… it’s not about YOU at all!!!

If you know someone’s birthday… or anniversary… then you don’t need to give gifts to THEM during the winter holiday. STOP IT NOW…. If they whine at you then you really know that those people aren’t needed in your life…. Leeches…self serving takers and USERs… You don’t need them in YOUR LIFE……

Christmas is not about giving… never has been… it’s about the celebration of Jesus coming into this world.

If you want a winter holiday…then great, drink some hot chocolate… sing some generic Holiday tunes…. Feel good through the long, dark, cold winter…. That would be great….

If you celebrate Jesus then have the children put on the skit and all sing some Jesus is born type songs and be happy and spirit filled…..

Let’s just know the difference and set aside this mania that kills Walmart workers with stampedes and stresses out grandma who only has a few dollars. Leave uncles and aunts alone… the kids belong to their parents…. If you really don’t ever spoil them through the year… let the kids have one small gift… something useful… a simple football, a simple cuddly dolly to hold…..

Stop creating today’s freak mall children ….. if you were the freak kid in your rotten raising then take responsibility NOW and don’t pass that on…..

teach of love and giving to people who need it, not the lazy…. We all know that we pick friends who are like us… therefore we KNOW they don’t need gifts…. Teach kids to seek… to reach out beyond the circle of friends and family….

And if you teach it at Christmas… also teach it on valentines day with how you and your spouse give to truly needy instead of an expensive tennis bracelet or golf clubs on Valentines day or Your Wedding Anniversary…. First Get a clue.. FREE from Judge Wyld….then give a clue… to life, love, and happiness to your kids…. Quit teaching about buying someone’s love and affection…. That is just a sick way to live….

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