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Monday, December 1, 2008


From April 05, 2008 ON AIR JUDGE WYLD SHOW - Radio Talk

Excerpt from show prep notes. On air content may have been more or less. Not journalistic or debate notes.

Does Basketball have rules

I never understood the rules. do you watch their feet? Do you watch the ball carried…a pause in the dribble… double dribble….

For the game to make any sense, it should have rules. NOT bodies on bodies…. BUT NBA can make up their own 'made for TV' entertainment. Make it as splashy as the entertainment demands. It’s not a sport. The referees about a relevant to the game as WWF referees. Hockey and NFL have better professional rules and clear calls made than Basketball or WWF.

These are boys playing a girls game during the football off-season so we shouldn't take it TOO seriously anyway… But as long as they insist on it, Ref’s should keep the game to basketball rules. Not street games of no real rules, no real fouls.

A double dribble is supposed to be illegal… carrying the ball two feet horizontally on the top of the dribble???? Call it! Dribbling should be an up and down activity. NOT feet stepping, stuttering hops, slide pivoting, and scooting along the floor. The sequence should be clear, throw the ball FIRST, THEN move your second foot.

Do we need more referees on the court?? Are they doing their best? If it’s not crooked then we need one ref to step up and start enforcing the rules….

Is it just boys playing a girls game? Are there rules? Comment!

Sincerely, Judge Wyld

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