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Tuesday, December 2, 2008


From March 29, 2008 ON AIR JUDGE WYLD SHOW - Radio Talk

Excerpt from show prep notes. On air content may have been more or less. Not journalistic or debate notes.

Men versus boys….

You call them Men on a basketball court in college. You KNOW they are Men fighting in a war? And if they are out running around town, THEY BETTER BEHAVE OR BE IN JAIL.

But when something happens on campus they are your precious BOYS and GIRLS in college…if they are arrested, they get let go or you whine to the police chief that it's just a boy.

THEN you complain "PROTECT MY boys and girls in college!!!" And you want a war battle ground to be as safe as our elementary schools.

But let's rub your nose in your own doodie. You gave them a car at 16. Encouraged that expectation when they were 14 and 15. You dropped them off at the mall. YOU let them take the car to mall at 16 years old. You set them loose on the streets from age 16 to 18 instead of keeping them home for training.

And then you want to get mad at other people …like local government, because your precious little one was hurt while out of your sight. I don't want to pay for extra cops to watch YOUR KIDS.

We are not going to bubble wrap the entire world for your kid. If you want them to be running loose like men and women, then quit expecting your local governments, highway departments, or businesses, or parks departments to soften the city for your weak, irresponsible child.

We’ve already paid for the schools for your child and then you expect the school to be entertaining for your kid instead of a place of learning the basic knowledge to get a job.

It’s not our business to develop hobbies for your kid… I don’t want to pay for art classes. They can learn about composition and color etc in physics class… if they want to use the information for a hobby of sculpting or drawing, let them do that in their own time.

Same with music… Let them take acoustics engineering classes for architecture or something useful. If they want to have a hobby of playing instruments then do that on YOUR OWN DIME. I’m tired of paying your kid to learn hobbies in a school that I’ve paid for, that I’ve bought thousands of square footage for. I learned to the public pool not in the public school.

Unfunded mandates my butt. You should fund the basic education of the children. I’d be for giving them a pre votech (vocational tech) class or two where they are exposed to what is available at the tech colleges for when they get out of high school. I’d be for a couple all school assemblies for them to learn about how to pursue hobbies in the arts and music after high school… But I’M PAYING for YOUR kid’s hobbies????? NO way…

Why are schools paid for out of property taxes? What in the world is the relationship there? That only people with kids, own houses? Shouldn’t there be a renters tax for school systems? Based on the number of kids at that dwelling? Should there be a birth tax?

Have the parents start paying for elementary school the instance the kid is born? I pay taxes for everything else I buy that I enjoy. If kids are so good for society then why? Why aren’t they valuable enough to the people who have them to pay for their services?

We haven’t even talked about the churches and the square footage and expense. I love kids. I tutor them, I mentor them, I drive them to free surgery care. I decide to do that… I’ve always gotten along with the kids of gals I’ve dated even better than the woman…the mother of the kids.

DECIDE! If they are your precious BOYS and GIRLS KEEP THEM HOME. IF they are MEN and WOMEN let them GO AND ACT RESPONSIBLY..... in college, in war, around town. COMMENTS???

Sincerely, JUDGE WYLD

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