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Monday, December 22, 2008


From December 20, 2008 ON AIR JUDGE WYLD SHOW - Radio Talk

Excerpt from show prep notes. On air content may have been more or less. Not journalistic or debate notes.

Keep Christmas Simple...

People do a lot to ruin Christmas. They try hard to worry over dinner, or traveling. They fret over decorations which usually are holiday decorations and have nothing to do with Christmas. In your own homes, you destroy Christmas.

Christmas was a simple time of year when I was growing up. It really was simple even for our parents. When you have good parents, you don’t have chaos… you don’t have stress. You have calm, you have memories that are relaxing and worth desiring to live through again.

On this show… we give people permission to have a relaxed life… care about good things, DON”T CARE ABOUT things you SHOULD NOT BE CARING ABOUT!!!

So I’ll tell you Judge Wyld’s first 17 years… and I think you will understand…

Only four foot tall white plastic stickler Christmas Tree… Tinsel… hang it just right…even.. not too much…

Drive around neighborhoods looking at the lights on houses and yards, driving slow, windows down to hear the music… 5 kids and two parents in a sedan…

Christmas Eve was church Christmas play done by the children. Had one line to say… on the way out of the church was the annual ORANGE… fruit…an actual orange. One per person. [note: YOU HAVE TO HEAR THIS ONE ON hilarious.... ]

Drive again looking at the lighted up Manger Scene… the majestic camels, the magnificent wisemen…. The straw around the manger and the kneeling Mary and Joseph. In the manger is the baby Santa.

A gift that evening… sometimes… just one of the clothes ones… a shirt every time…

Christmas morning, Dad is to be up early to tend to the AIRLINE…other employees had Christmas morning off…. So kids would get up, go to the living room….and wait… dad and mom come out… and the youngest girl would hand out the presents…. Clothes… socks, never shoes (too expensive)… one toy type present.

One year an Aunt sent a box with toys in it…. We extra toys that winter. I remember hard plastic Binoculars pink body/black ends. Senseless simple toys…

Dad would go to work, be back home for the early afternoon meal. That would be our Christmas….maybe popcorn that evening… didn’t need an evening meal.

The next day I’d go to Brad’s house…three houses down, and play with the huge race car track and the 7 or 8 other huge toys he received… I don’t remember him getting any clothes. We stopped playing with the toys after three or four days… the track broke, stepped on….. we went back to playing with a simple basket ball, tennis ball and bat, rocks, sticks, and playing in the trees growing over the river….

All kids are equal 5 days after Christmas… But I’m successful and Brad has been bumming around for 28 years…

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