Excerpt from show prep notes. On air content may have been more or less. Not journalistic or debate notes.
Multilevel Marketing Parasites:
Multilevel Marketing sales people are told they have a business… they are told to never take no for an answer. They crawl on their bellies like a slimy slug along any organization they belong to… they treat their family and friends as rudely as any enemy would. They draw blood and delight in it… they prey on the kindness of elderly and other soft hearted family.
They have no sense of ethics… they are sales people…sales clerks and are the most unprofessional of the sales profession….afterall they even have to do all their own paper work, order their own inventory, handle everything… a professional sales person has other people to take care of those things…
these Direct Sales / Multi level Marketing selling cosmetics like a clowned up tart, pots and pans like a bum, plastic storage containers, travel industry packages, … its pathetic… peddling door to door essentially and begging your family and friends….
And then the technology…. Annoying emails… abuse of family and friends emails, abuse of organizations emails. And they make no apology for it…. The search for some opening that makes it ok to abuse others.
Maybe the policy for an organizations use of the roster or email list is poorly written… no sense of ethics and proper behavior to trump any policy shortcoming. Let’s not encourage this. Tell family to stay away until they can behave in social situations. Halloween is NOT about getting your new product catalog or getting a free make over.. Thanksgiving is NOT for you to ask MY ladyfriend what make up she uses or to get her to buy ME some men’s soap. Christmas is not for giving free samples of your product. Go Away.
Quit being a bum… I KNOW that YOU KNOW that you are SHAMEFUL when you refuse to respond when you are called out on your unfriendly behavior… You hide… You don’t return calls that call you on this, you ignore the emails, you are a sociopath with NO feeling toward others.
I have friends who are legitimate sales people and they NEVER talk about their business or products. NEVER… If their friends want to be customers they will contact the sales person. And I DO… and I HAVE… and my Recent Car Purchase is from a friend, and my next rental property purchase will be through a friend…. But NOT through you.
My opinion of course... of those I've met. Have you met these types of parasites? What did you do to get rid of them? :)
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