Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Guitar Hero Parents Are Big Zeros Who Don't Mature Their Kids - Rocks, sticks,dirt, trees, and rivers.

From January 10, 2009 ON AIR JUDGE WYLD SHOW - Radio Talk
Excerpt from show prep notes. On air content may have been more or less. Not journalistic or debate notes.

Plastic Guitar Zero - Guitar Hero

we know there are those who are so lame of parents that they say they have to let their kids have this hypnotic toy in place of a useful skill because the kid likes it and the parent can spend FAMILY TIME… being an idiot… GREAT ROLE MODEL….

Totally intellectually irresponsible parent. Should be taxed for being an idiot…. Tax Guitar Hero… 10,000 dollars…. For the damage you are doing to society.

Are there groups of these one celled morons at your workplace or church who talk about this parental failure of theirs?

Rock band, guitar hero…. as useful as SIMON game… hit the buttons in response to a sequence that SIMON plays… big deal… video games were always a wasteland.

adults teaching kids that video games are worth their time is just abuse… it keeps twenty and thirty year olds in their teens… Grow up.

Teach your kids a musical instrument… something useful… a real guitar…. Spend the time learning to make real music. Kids will be kids and if they come out of childhood spending 2000 hours playing a game… called guitar hero…. And not really knowing how to play guitar…. You failed… and YOU were supposed to be the ADULT.

Maturing Kids Play real games…. take these for example.

Brad killed a robin… BB gun…. Sitting on the curb… sobbing… sad….

Tennis ball against a wicker chair… plastic bat… wicker chair is the strike zone… hit the wicker chair and it’s like an umpire calling a strike…

Dirt clods across the street… running, playing football in overturned dirt… pinky is broken and crooked from the frozen football hitting a frozen finger… you don’t tell your parents… it’s no big deal.

Dad treated everything as a real yard…as a real lawn. One mower for the lawn grass, one mower for mowing the back lot that sloped into the river. Beyond the garden… some land to play softball… ball hit down third base line… rolled into the river.

We played hide and seek and stuffed the youngest girl up 8 feet above ground on a shelf up in a cabinet at the end of the hallway in the house. We hid under a bed that had a board that would fall off and the bed would crush us.

And as we grew older….we actually grew UP… it’s called maturity… and when adults are so immature that they choose childish toys of zero value, they are role modeling that inane behavior and attitude to their kids…

The kids learn: OH! THIS Is what mature ADULTS do with their TIME…. How sick is it to teach your kids that?

Your job is to mature your kids…. Give them a BB gun and have them go feel like poop when they shoot a robin. Have them fall in the half frozen river and scare the literal life out of them. If they live through it, those are the ones who will deserve adult life…

But having them snug in the house 10 feet from their comfy bed, and hitting big buttons on a piece of plastic and pretend they are playing music??? Hand them a soda so they can keep going without ever feeling the sensation of being thirsty. How insane and sick is THAT!!!!

Those kids are NOT fit to make any decisions outside their bathroom! They won't be part of any future Great Generation. You failed them.

Sincerely, Judge Wyld

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