From April 19, 2008 ON AIR JUDGE WYLD SHOW - Radio Talk
Excerpt from show prep notes. On air content may have been more or less. Not journalistic or debate notes.I have always had this burr under my saddle… more like on top of the saddle and directly inside my britches. Singles have always paid more in taxes than married people.
Later after the next break. I’m going to tell you what John McCain’s plan is for Single, childless American taxpayers is. YOU DON”T WANT TO MISS THIS.
But first, some analysis to lay the ground work.
Singles with homes have always paid more taxes than married people with homes. People without children have always paid more taxes per child in their household than people with children. NO ONE has ever, ever, ever given a single person a tax break for NOT putting children into the school system.
We have politicians parading around their districts, proud as Santa Claus handing out toys, proud as an uncle handing out cotton candy, bragging and booming HIS VOICE about rah rah rah leading the way to getting rid of the MARRIAGE TAX…. THERE IS NOT A MARRIAGE TAX. THERE NEVER WAS. THE ONLY PEOPLE PENALIZED for smart LIFE DECISIONS are the SINGLE PEOPLE. Todd Tiahrt of
Todd can add up the number of ways a foreign tanker hurts Americans but can’t have anyone on his staff add up how much in taxes that a single person pays? How much of the burden of other people’s kids that the single person pays for? YOU PUT YOUR KID ON MY BACK? And the politicians keep shoveling more of MY money to YOU. Not to your kid. Your kids are already eating and going to sleep. You are using that money to take YOUR kids to
Married people saw the model. You get to be barely an adult and you have babies and oh by the way, you better be married. So they are trying to live out this model. Oh, it doesn’t matter WHO you marry… Just marry and have babies. WITHOUT THINKING.
So a Single person moves into a neighborhood that has homes purchased by married couples. The houses are the same size, same type, use the same gas company, electric company, sewer, water, tv company, telephone company. All those fees, all those hookup fees, all those access fees, all those minimum charge fees. Divide by TWO for the married couple. Each person is paying HALF as much as the single person. Already the single person is paying TWICE as much as a married person.
Ok… Property taxes. Both houses are worth the same amount. The married couple has TWO people paying the property tax so divide by two. The single person has to pay the entire property tax bill by themselves.
The single person is paying TWICE as much as a married person. Why is the single person being penalized???? Do you want to penalize them by making them buy a smaller house??? Why should they have to have a lower standard of living. A lesser house? If they had a lesser house, their mortgage tax benefit would be half. The married couple with twice the house would be getting TWICE the tax benefit……THERE IS A SINGLE’s tax penalty NOW. There was a Single’s tax penalty before. There NEVER was a MARRIAGE tax penalty. If you DON’T give the singles a 50% tax break NOW, you are encouraging Singles to shack up with other singles to share expenses of the tax burden.
How about cars… ok. So you say. One car one person? Really? Doesn’t a family usually have different types of vehicles?? A pickup truck for certain things and a family car for certain things. So you mean that a single MUST not be able to have a pickup truck for hauling things to and from their property? Or if they do, they shouldn’t have a sedan for going to church. The single person must drive across country to vacation or see family in a pickup truck? The single person needs the pickup truck AND the sedan just like the married couple does. Why should the single person have a lower standard of living?? So both households have a pickup truck and a sedan. The married couple again gets to share half the expense with each other. The single person has to pay full taxes on both vehicles. AND full insurance on both vehicles even though they can only drive one car at a time. (the premium break isn’t enough to offset the risk) AGAIN. The SINGLE is paying TWICE as much in taxes and much more in insurance than a married person. The SINGLES tax penalty.
Judge wants to talk with YOU. Judge wants to hear what rationale you have for your thoughts. Judge PROMISES to JUDGE you and give you affirmation; validation. Or talk with you about your denial and lack of principles.
John McCain wants to DOUBLE the tax credit for kids. It’s not a tax credit. The money comes from singles. Any tax credit for someone is a sneaky way of saying, we are TAKING from others. SINGLE PEOPLE DON’T burden the schools. We don’t burden the fire departments, the emergency rooms at the hospitals, extra roads, the playgrounds, the swimming pools, the public recreation areas, but WE PAY FOR YOUR KIDS.
I will NOT vote for someone who wants to take from others to BUY your vote. Do you have kids? Don’t YOU feel cheap, ashamed, that you can’t take care of your kids? Don’t you feel like poop that you are TAKING from singles. If kids are sooooo great. Don’t you feel sorry for singles?
Not only are YOU stealing from singles to subsidize your marriage but if you have kids you are stealing even more from childless people to subsidize your choice to have kids. And the politicians are buying you. You are for sale. You are not intelligent voters on real issue. They come around and DOUBLE your benefit because you can be bought. They know it. I’m sick of it. I’m sick of the politicians and if you want to take my money to put more spending money in your pocket, I’m SICK OF YOU YOU YOU.
Unfunded mandates my butt. You should fund the basic education of YOUR children.
I’d be for giving them a pre votech (vocational tech) class or two where they are exposed to what is available at the tech colleges for when they get out of high school.
I’d be for a couple all school assemblies for them to learn about how to pursue hobbies in the arts and music after high school… But I’M PAYING for YOUR kid’s hobbies????? NO way…
Why are schools paid for out of property taxes? What in the world is the relationship there? That only people with kids, own houses? Shouldn’t there be a renters tax for school systems? Based on the number of kids at that dwelling?
Should there be a birth tax? Have the parents start paying for elementary school the instance the kid is born? I pay taxes for everything else I buy that I enjoy. If kids are so good for society then why? Why aren’t they valuable enough to the people who have them to pay for their services? We haven’t even talked about the churches and the square footage and expense.
I love kids. I tutor them, I mentor them, I drive them to free surgery care. I decide to do that… I’ve always gotten along with the kids of gals I’ve dated even better than the woman…the mother of the kids.
Comments? CARE to give me a rebate on my hundreds of thousands of dollars paid for YOUR KIDS? Send me a check or two tickets and spending cash for a month's vacation to Europe....If you care for your kids. You will put it in the mail today. Ask for my PayPal account, you can send the money there!
Sincerely, JUDGE WYLD
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