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Tuesday, December 30, 2008


From September 22, 2007 ON AIR JUDGE WYLD SHOW - Radio Talk
Excerpt from show prep notes. On air content may have been more or less. Not journalistic or debate notes.



Free advice from your ole uncle Judge. If you listen to Judge you will have a good life, and one of the freedoms that Judge has is to have several vehicles. They are used for different activities.

One of the vehicles is a Jeep Cherokee. Have you ever had a soda explode in your vehicle??? I had a coca cola explode in a jeep Cherokee.

It was my dad’s and he needed it for hunting and for getting to his job in any weather...snow, ice, anything.

Up to that point in my life... over 40 years old....I had never driven one of my parent’s vehicles, never even sat in the drivers seat ever ever ever NEVER…

…..until the day after my dad died.

The fellow employees from where dad worked a retirement job brought the Jeep Cherokee to our house. The vehicle needed to be driven into the driveway later that day. For the first time ever, and now over the age of 40, I drove my dad’s vehicle.

I eventually bought the Jeep from our family and it's a spiritual experience every time I think of it, look at it, get inside of it. I still believe it is his...not mine.

So you see, when a coca cola exploded in my dad’s Jeep. I was crushed. I knew headliners…you know, that fabric under the roof… above your head… are very fragile… it can’t stand the slightest touch…

I spent a few hours inside the jeep cleaning every surface of his hunting vehicle….but what about the fabric headliner.. spots all over it…sugary, brownish stain on a very light brown fabric… I spent a long time soaking towels…dabbing the fabric… trying to lift the sugary stains from the fabric. No luck…

For 10 months I kicked myself. I apologized to dad each time I drove the vehicle…
There was no letting myself off the hook… even though in heaven, my dad understood more than he would ever have while alive….

10 months after that coca cola explosion… it occurred to me…. Scrubbing bubbles… not the bathtub scrubbing bubbles… but glass cleaner… foaming glass cleaner… dissolves, lifts, streakless…. I HAD To try it…

I raced home from where I was… I rushed into the garage.. grabbed a can of foaming glass cleaner (I buy in quantity) and I headed to the Jeep with cleaner and towels in hand… and it worked…

I sprayed. I let it foam up. I saw it moisten the stains, I saw the brown sugary substance lift, I dabbed the fabric and the entire headliner is PERFECT… clean…

I literally sighed with a deep gladness and I spent some time in my mind and heart with my dad over the success of restoring the Jeep.

Also during the year I spent time with Dad when the dog vomited in the back of the Jeep.

I spent time with Dad when I replaced the fog lights because his fog lights had rusted brackets.

I spent time with him on my birthday also. When I took my birthday to journey through his huge fishing tackle box and fix the hinges on his old HAMMS BEER metal fishing cooler.

Spend time with those you love and are gone, they are still with you and I believe they are still teaching us…Try not to worry about the big conflicts you had when they were alive. Try really really hard…

Even if they were in the wrong. No matter how strongly they believed they were right or had good reasons,

NOW when you think of them Know that they are in a place where they KNOW the truth.

DEAD PEOPLE know EVERYTHING even better than when they were alive… because now they know you were right or they were right and they have unlimited truth and peace that they couldn’t have had when they walked this earth.

That’s some free advice from your ole Uncle JUDGE…and his Dad.

Sincerely, JUDGE WYLD

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