Friday, May 8, 2009


From May 09, 2009 ON AIR JUDGE WYLD SHOW - Radio Talk
Excerpt from show prep notes. On air content may have been more or less. Not journalistic or debate notes.

PRAYER Real and Imagined

National Day of Prayer - Did it matter… did GOD hear it and say… OOPS. All of you are right… so glad you brought it to my attention. How could I, GOD, BE so STUPID. How did I MISS THAT. Whatever you wanted, Did you pray for it as if GOD messed up?

How often does GOD mess up? He created an imperfect universe? Why? Why did he leave it up to YOU to find the flaws and tell him about it? Why doesn’t he fix it without YOU TELLING HIM TO?? Are you perfect and God isn’t??? YOU KNOW BETTER??

So prayer… since it doesn’t have any purpose in changing God’s plans… Remember, we are supposed to follow GOD’s plan. So why are you praying with a different plan. Like WOW, you are amazing to come up with a plan better than Gods and tell him about it!!! GOOD FOR YOU!!!!

So the more people who pray for a sick person really has God paying attention… jeepers, I guess they are serious. More serious than that one person praying for THEIR DYING AUNT….. that’s only one person. Ignore her… LOOK over here 30 people praying for that cat to live through cancer. Better do something for them.

So clearly, prayer is worthless in getting God to do something. You selfish selfcentered arrogant pushy Christian.

So you good ones… you pray for strength to get through something. Well that is a good thing. But didn’t God already make you who you are? Did he not already give you strength? Has God not already been there for you for strength the ENTIRE TIME??? So quit thinking that you are praying for something. You aren’t. You are just rambling and showing that you don’t know that you already have God’s power.

So now what…. Prayer is just a chat with God telling God how great he is. It isn’t demanding. It doesn’t put him down. I doesn’t diminish the great gift of strength that he already provide to you. It’s just a good ole thank you.

So since prayer does not get God to change things… What does it do???
It allows YOU to ignore your responsibility.

GIVE IT TO GOD… GIVE YOUR PROBLEMS TO GOD. Wait on GOD. GOD will show you the way. GOD will give you financial help. You sit on your hands. You can’t do anything. ONLY NEED TO GIVE IT OVER TO GOD. Did God ever like a lazy person? Did Jesus ever reward stupid LAZY people? Yes. The prodigal son. So we have MILLIONS of prodigal sons out there. LAZY RECKLESS WORTHLESS people waiting on God to Reward them. GIVE IT TO GOD. Don’t use your talents.

Talons… remember. You have talons. You aren’t supposed to wait. You are supposed to risk them, invest them, put them to work, to grow the benefits and value of the talents. NOT SIT ON IT. NOT BURY IT. Not wait on God to come back and show him nothing more than he gave you.

So why pray. Psychological… purely, non-spiritual, mind games with yourself.
Do you know that someone who decides to commit suicide becomes in a GREAT mood after they decide to commit suicide???? WHY??? Because they aren’t confused anymore. They have a plan. Psychologically they are not in chaos anymore. They have a plan. Did God ease their mind by giving them the gift of a plan of suicide? NO.

So prayer… You have a plan. Give it to God. DONE. God isn’t going to do anything. That isn’t how prayer works…. But you FEEL better. You are in denial and you made a plan to give it to GOD. And you did it by pretending that you PRAYED about it.

You pray about a safe trip. A safe time in playing an aggressive sport. Or even to WIN the game. Purely psychological. Freeing up your worry.

Prayer is just psychologically benefiting from talking it out with someone. Someone is God. God is your buddy. You chat about it and feel better. That’s it.

Prayer is also just psychologically focusing on it… focused on safety??? You will probably drive more attentively. You are thinking safety. Praying for something good in business. You are focusing on your business, thinking about it, working harder, thinking of things that could go wrong. Prayer like this has NOTHING to do with GOD.

So let’s quite playing around. Take God seriously. HIS WORD. THE BIBLE has your answers. No new answers are being invented. GOD is PERFECT. HE KNEW WHAT HE DID WHEN HE made YOUR FREE WILL and the consequences for your choices. He made those principles of actions and consequences interrelated with other people’s free will and consequences. PERFECTLY. He already knew you before you were born and gave you EVERYTHING. Talents, the bible, and all he wants is a little THANK YOU Now and then through something called prayer.

That other lousy stuff you do that you call prayer, is psychological mind games. Secular. Not Spiritual.

You scream that you don’t want to water down the term marriage… I agree with you.

So why do you water down the word church with crazy fun church versus quiet reverent thoughtful spiritual church.

AND you water down prayer by putting down God and demanding he change things in his perfect world to suit your imperfect perspective.

Sincerely, JUDGE WYLD

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