Thursday, February 26, 2009


From February 21, 2009 ON AIR JUDGE WYLD SHOW - Radio Talk
Excerpt from show prep notes. On air content may have been more or less. Not journalistic or debate notes.

Moving is easier for Married Couples than it is for a Single person.

Single has created a life in a community. Has bonds within community organizations, within workplaces, within churches. If a single person sits in their apartment, house, living room, you say for them to get out… make some friends, join a church, get involved in the community. You want them to build relationships in the community. Without those relationships, they have nothing.

Married people spend a lot of time with each other. They may develop relationships outside as well. Their major relationship is their wife and their young children. Their hugs and kisses and smiles and encouragement come from their spouse and kids. The good times are shared with deep and lasting memories. Their bad times are shared with understanding and caring. United they stand. In good times and in bad. Their spiritual and physiological well being is supported by being codependent… it’s a good thing.

Singles incomes… ONE.
Married couple income… TWO if they lose both then they are no worse off than the single person. We need to help a single person MORE since they don’t have someone else to send to work. Is it a better chance that ONE of the couple will find work? Or if you have TWO chances of someone in the household finding work?

Singles have 24 hours in a day. They work 10 to 12 hours a day. Then need to find the time to keep their house going, to sleep, to prepare meals and eat, to do laundry, to exercise the dog to pet the cat, clean up after them, to mow the yard, to trim the trees, to clean the floors/vacuum, grocery shopping, meet repair people, etc. Singles have only 24 hours a day to run a household. Ask any single mom if it makes a difference that a household falls on just their shoulders? Housework exists if you have a house or apartment. They have to keep up with their siblings, mom, dad, friends, aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews, neighbors, friends, etc.

Married people have 48 hours a day. Flexibility, Honey will you pick up some groceries? Will YOU meet the cable tv guy today? Will you vacuum, will you take the dog to the vet? Will you go buy the grass seed for the yard? Will you move the laundry over from the clothes washer to the dryer? 48 hours in a day to decide how to use to run a household. Take the trash out.

So when it comes to moving… does a single get 48 hours a day??? Really?? Maybe the government should pay the full cost for a paid helper to make up the difference!!!!
Who makes the calls to cut off the cable and utilities, who meets the realtor to sell your home, who makes the repairs, who looks for the new house, who packs the boxes, who meets the movers, who unpacks the boxes… I have a full home just like any household. Who finds the haircutters,

2 people have twice the chance to meet more neighbors, more church members, more organizations in town, more workplace people.
And if you have kids, they make it even easier for you to integrate into a new community. Your family has 5 people who are dispersing, spidering out in to the community to quickly integrate and make friends, etc… ON TOP OF THE BUILT IN SUPPORT from spouse and kids…. Good times…
Where do we grocery shop? Where do we get haircuts? Where do we go to the park? Where do we take the dog to the vet? Where do we get trash service? Where do we take our dry cleaning? Which church should we go to?

The single person can only be in ONE place at a time. The cordial welcome to the neighborhood lasts only three weeks. And you can only do one thing at a time.


Sincerely, JUDGE WYLD

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